Banks and insurances

Automation creates added value.

Discover one of the most intelligent debt collection solutions in Switzerland with Collecta eSchKG. Cloud-based and designed as an application, Collecta eSchKG allows you to handle the entire debt collection process electronically. The application can be easily connected to existing debtor systems or software developed in-house.

"We are specialized in collection software according to Swiss law. That's why Swiss banks also rely on our solution."

Rebekka Schnarwiler, customer consultant

Collecta eSchKG is already in use at several financial institutions. Collecta AG is ISO 27001-certified and fulfills all Finma requirements. The data is stored exclusively in Swiss data centers.

Collecta eSchKG enables debt collection extracts to be obtained electronically in the fastest possible way. A special feature of the solution is that it enables debt collection on real estate liens.

Collecta eSchKG

The fast solution for electronic debt collection

Collecta eSchKG is a cloud-based application that enables the electronic handling of the debt collection process. Data is transferred in connection with existing debtor systems (such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV or 365 Business Central, Abacus, Infoma, Tribuna, etc.) or via an Excel interface.

Your advantages

  • Easy data transfer thanks to direct connection to system or Excel interface
  • Automated processes with Deadline monitoring and deadline control
  • Highest Sich safety in dealing with data: encrypted transmission, ISO 27001-certified
  • Storage in Swiss data centers
  • Languages German/French/Italian
  • Savings in time, paper and postage costs
  • Integration of own processes and templates possible
  • Personal support
  • Proven solution: For years ersuccessfully in use at Companies and public institutions
  • Extension with modules such as reminder or loss certificate management possible
  • Online access to debt collection information (Switzerland)

Procedure: Profit without technical installation

The procedure is simple. Collecta registers a company (or public institution, offices, third parties) with the federal government as an eSchKG customer. The company receives its own Sedex number and acts in its own name vis-à-vis the debt collection offices. The eSchKG is used via the Collecta platform. This means that a company can use eSchKG without technical adaptations or installations and saves itself the lengthy process of becoming eSchKG-ready.

Alektum Group

"We are an international debt collection agency, specialized in bulk debt collection. For debt collection transfers, we have been using the Collecta AG service and interface since 2020. The cooperation works excellently and we are very satisfied with the system."

Emina Jovanovic, Alektum Group

Logo city Liestal

Our partners for banks and insurance companies

Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG
Banken und Versicherungen – Colleca AG

Have we aroused your interest?

Ivan de Nicoli

Customer consultant